java - JPA EclipseLink Custom Entity/Object as IN Parameter -

i have stored procedures working when pass in basic java objects (string, long, etc.) cant seem pass in own entity/object without getting following error:

exception [eclipselink-4002] (eclipse persistence services - 2.5.2.v20140319-9ad6abd): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.databaseexception internal exception: java.sql.sqlexception: invalid column type error code: 17004 call: begin sar_ops.input_rule_no_response(operation_id_in=>?, executing_usr_id_in=>?, rule_obj_in=>?, success_ind_out=>?, error_cur_out=>?); end;     bind => [mo1234abcd, test, rule [id=99999, last_updated_by=mike], => success_ind_out, => error_cur_out] query: resultsetmappingquery(name="input_rule_no_response" ) 

from reading thought code work (see below). added @struct annotation , gave name of matching oracle object database. under impression eclispelink documentation need @embeddable , @struct annotations on class, have added @entity annotation whilst testing theory still same error. feel must missing form of configuration eclipselink know object im passing in java class representation of oracle object expects.

oracle object , stored proc definition:

procedure input_rule_no_response    (       operation_id_in     in operation_id_type      ,executing_usr_id_in in usr_id%type      ,rule_obj_in         in rule_obj_type      ,success_ind_out     out uttype.boolean_type      ,error_cur_out       out sys_refcursor    ) ...  create or replace type rule_obj_type object (    id                 number(10),    last_updated_by        varchar2(100) ) 

my stored procedure defined as:

@namedstoredprocedurequery(         name="input_rule_no_response",         resultclasses={dberror.class, rule.class},         procedurename="sar_ops.input_rule_no_response",         parameters={                 @storedprocedureparameter(name="operation_id_in",, type=string.class),                 @storedprocedureparameter(name="executing_usr_id_in",, type=string.class),                 @storedprocedureparameter(name="rule_obj_in",, type=rule.class),                 @storedprocedureparameter(name="success_ind_out", mode=parametermode.out, type=character.class),                 @storedprocedureparameter(name="error_cur_out", mode=parametermode.ref_cursor, type=void.class) }) 

and entity looks like:

@embeddable @entity @struct(name="rule_obj_type", fields={"id","last_updated_by"}) public class rule implements serializable{      private static final long serialversionuid = 4768354320081279604l;      @id     @column(name="id")     private long id;      @column(name="last_updated_by")     private string last_updated_by;      public long getid() {         return id;     }      public void setid(long id) { = id;     }      public string getlast_updated_by() {         return last_updated_by;     }      public void setlast_updated_by(string last_updated_by) {         this.last_updated_by = last_updated_by;     }      @override     public string tostring() {         return "rule [id=" + id + ", last_updated_by="                 + last_updated_by + "]";     } } 

and execute code:

public boolean inputrulenoresponse(rule sar) {         storedprocedurequery query = em.createnamedstoredprocedurequery("input_rule_no_response");         query.setparameter("operation_id_in", "mo1234abcd");         query.setparameter("executing_usr_id_in", "test");         query.setparameter("rule_obj_in", sar);         return query.execute(); } 

the answer add jdbctype , jdbctypename stored procedure configuration suggested chris.


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