tcp ip - Communicate with legacy TCP IP application via port from azure website -

i have azure website , need when user performs action connects in background legacy tcp ip application communicates on port 9031: need both send , receive data.

if deployed website on physical server or virtual machine, open port 9031 on firewall.

i'm unsure of how open these ports when deploying azure website, can done?

theres no option configure firewall rules on web apps (azure websites). if need more control, need use cloud services (web/worker roles).

cloud service configuration done in servicedefinition.csdef

<endpoints>   <inputendpoint name="endpoint1" protocol="http" port="80" />   <inputendpoint name="myendpoint" protocol="tcp" port="9031" localport="9031" /> </endpoints> 

if decide leverage cloud services, might neccessary create startup task configure firewall on instance/server.

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="my rule" dir=in localport=9031 protocol=tcp action=allow

also, leverage startups tasks install 'legacy stuff' if use cloud services. thats not possible on web apps.

let me know if helps.


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