threadpool - C++ Simple Thread Pool -

i trying implement simple thread pool in c++ follows:

class worker { public:     worker();     thread mthread; private:     void run(); };  worker::worker() {     (this->mthread = thread(&worker::run, this)).detach(); }  class threadpool { public:     threadpool(int size);     void addtask(); private:     vector<worker> workers; }; 

but when add constructor of threadpool:

threadpool::threadpool(int size) {     this->workers = vector<worker>(size, worker()); } 

i "attempting reference deleted function" error far know means somewhere in code trying copy thread. there way solve problem?

smallest possible change to:

threadpool::threadpool(int size) {     this->workers = vector<worker>(size); } 

that said, initialiser lists sweet.

threadpool::threadpool(int size)   : workers{size} { } 

(you should change int size size_t or - if you're feeling saintly - vector<worker>::size_type).

it provision of prototypical worker() object requested copying, implicit constructor deleted because you'd provided explicit default constructor.


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