Program solving equation in Assembly -

i have problem simple program in assembly. i'm using dosbox , tasm . have problem program. operand types not match @ line 76 78 80 . after multiplication. tried make changes using difftrent variable size

; -------------------------------------------- ; equation=(a+c*b)/d-2*c, ; -------------------------------------------- .model small .stack 100h .data               db 0                                    b       db 0         c       db 0         d       db 0         result1 db ?         result2 db ?            message1 db "equation: (a+c*b)/d-2*c   a=$"         message2 db "b=$"         message3 db "c=$"         message4 db "d=$"         message5 db "result=$" .code  start:  mov ax,@data                 mov ds,ax                                        mov ax, seg message1   ;get , save variable                 mov ds,ax                       mov dx,offset message1                 mov ah, 9h                 int 21h                 mov ah, 1h                 int 21h                 sub al,30h    ;converting real number                 mov a,al                  mov ax, seg message2 ;get b , save variable                 mov ds,ax                       mov dx,offset message2                 mov ah, 9h                 int 21h                 mov ah, 1h                 int 21h                 sub al,30h    ;converting real number                 mov b,al                   mov ax, seg message3    ;get c , save variable                 mov ds,ax                       mov dx,offset message3                 mov ah, 9h                 int 21h                 mov ah, 1h                 int 21h                 sub al,30h    ;converting real number                 mov c,al                   mov ax, seg message4   ;get d , save variable                 mov ds,ax                       mov dx,offset message4                 mov ah, 9h                 int 21h                 mov ah, 1h                 int 21h                 sub al,30h   ;converting real number                 mov d,al                   mov al,b         ; (a+c*b) ------------------------error                 mul c                                           add ax,a       ; ------------------------error                  push ax     ;save current ax                  mov ax,c     ;d-2*c------------------------error                 shl ax,2                 sub d,ax                   pop bx     ;get previous ax  bx                  div bx     ; div ax:bx                  mov result1,al                 mov result2,ah                  add result1,30h   ;converting string                 add result2,30h    ;converting string                  mov al,result1                 mov bl,result2                  mov ax, seg message5                 mov ds,ax                       mov dx,offset message5                 mov ah, 9h                 int 21h                 mov al,result1                 mov bl,result2                 mov dl, al                 mov ah , 2h                 int 21h                 mov dl, bl                 mov ah , 2h                 int 21h                  mov ax,4c00h                            int 21h  end             start 

your program good, have issues operand sizes, normal. took code , made little changes, changes commented , pointed arrows (<========) , :

  • fixed operand size problem. still use db because noticed capturing numbers single chars.
  • the result of (d-2*c) stored in bx. because need divide (a+c*b) / (d-2*c), , popping (a+c*b) in bx, so, when div bx doing (d-2*c) / (a+c*b) .
  • separated display quotient , remainder.
  • added 13,10 line breaks messages.
  • fixed shl ax,2 shl ax,1. 1 shl x2, 2 shl x2x2.
  • the remainder obtained dl because when div uses word divisor, remainder left in dx.

here code little changes (tested on emu8086):

; -------------------------------------------- ; equation=(a+c*b)/d-2*c, ; --------------------------------------------.model small .stack 100h .data       db 0                     b   db 0     c   db 0     d   db 0     result1 db ?     result2 db ?        message1 db 13,10,"equation: (a+c*b)/d-2*c",13,10,"a=$"     message2 db 13,10,"b=$"         ;<================= 13,10     message3 db 13,10,"c=$"         ;<================= linebreak.     message4 db 13,10,"d=$"         ;<=================     message5 db 13,10,"quotient=$"  ;<=================     message6 db 13,10,"remainder=$" ;<================= .code  start:  mov ax,@data         mov ds,ax                       mov ax, seg message1   ;get , save variable         mov ds,ax            mov dx,offset message1         mov ah, 9h         int 21h         mov ah, 1h          int 21h         sub al,30h    ;converting real number         mov a,al          mov ax, seg message2 ;get b , save variable         mov ds,ax            mov dx,offset message2         mov ah, 9h         int 21h         mov ah, 1h         int 21h         sub al,30h    ;converting real number         mov b,al           mov ax, seg message3    ;get c , save variable         mov ds,ax            mov dx,offset message3         mov ah, 9h         int 21h         mov ah, 1h          int 21h         sub al,30h    ;converting real number         mov c,al           mov ax, seg message4   ;get d , save variable         mov ds,ax            mov dx,offset message4         mov ah, 9h         int 21h         mov ah, 1h          int 21h         sub al,30h   ;converting real number         mov d,al           mov al,b          ; (a+c*b)         mul c         mov cl,a    ;<======== mov cx         mov ch,0    ;<======== add ax.         add ax,cx   ;<======== c*b + a.         ;push ax     ;<======== no longer necessary because                     ;<======== in next block use bx.          mov bl,c    ;<======== mov c bl , clear         mov bh,0    ;<======== bh. c in bx.         shl bx,1    ;<======== 2*c. 1 shift x2, 2 shifts x2x2.         sub d,bl          ;d - 2c         mov bl,d    ;<======== mov d bl , clear bh.         mov bh,0    ;<======== d in bx. bx = (d-2c).         ;pop ax      ;<======== no longer necessary. ax contains (a+c*b).          mov dx,0    ;<======== clear dx, because divisor word.                     ;<======== when divisor word, div uses dx:ax.          div bx      ;<======== dx:ax / bx == dx:(a+c*b) / (d-2c).                     ;<======== division unsigned, signed use idiv.          mov result1,al ;<===== quotient.         mov result2,dl ;<===== remainder, because divisor word.          add result1,30h   ;converting string         add result2,30h    ;converting string          mov al,result1         mov bl,result2        ;display quotient  <=============         mov ax, seg message5         mov ds,ax            mov dx,offset message5         mov ah, 9h         int 21h         mov al,result1         mov dl, al         mov ah , 2h         int 21h              ;display remainder  <=============         mov ax, seg message6         mov ds,ax            mov dx,offset message6         mov ah, 9h         int 21h         mov dl, bl         mov ah , 2h         int 21h          mov ax,4c00h                 int 21h  end     start 

next "to do" list:

  • change size of operands db dw, allow program handle bigger numbers.
  • change div idiv, because div unsigned while idiv signed. idiv let handle negative results.
  • capture numbers int=21h ah=0ah strings (not single chars). later, convert strings numbers. next 2 links take procedures convert string number :

assembly x86 date number - breaking string smaller sections

32 bit calculator in 8086 assembly

finally, test data :

(a+c*b) / (d-2*c)  a=1 b=2 c=3 d=8  a+c*b = 1+3*2 = 7 d-2*c = 8-2*3 = 2  7 / 2 = quotient 3, remainder 1 


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