java - Multiple Keystores vs Multiple Keys and export/import of keys -

i'm developing multiple android applications various clients. manage complete lifecycle of development clients includes development , publishing google play.

i'm concerned how should sign applications make clients. right now, have 1 keystore, , each client, create own private key.

my concern is, if 1 day clients want take android app , manage on own without me, i'll need give them private key can publish updates app.

my question is, possible 1 keystore, , somehow export private key belongs client keystore , give them, or should creating keystore each client? if former possible, how technically done?

the scenario ideal me able export single private key keystore keystore, , able alter password of key without affecting validity of key can still used update app made in future.

you can import or export private keys pkcs#12 (.p12) files using program called keytool :

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore existing-store.jks -destkeystore new-store.p12 -deststoretype pkcs12 

this page lists many things possible keystore, ie. changing format, , exporting out single keys :

there app called keystore explorer same job using gui :

you can change password, without affecting signing ability :

keytool -keypasswd -alias "key name" -keypass "old password" -new "new password" -keystore "keystore path" 

this means, when client wants key keystore, export out.


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