Is it possible to run gulp-notify in a watch task? -

i'm putting gulpfile , wondering if can combine gulp-notify (or other solution) watch task message pops when watch task has started running. can't find searches on how go doing this. possible?

here's watch task:

// watch our files changes gulp.task('watch', function() {    // -- wanna run notify message here saying 'watching changes...' -- //'assets/styles/**/*.scss', ['styles']);'assets/scripts/**/*.js', ['scripts']);'assets/images/**/*', ['images']); }); 

i managed gulp-notify , node-notifier. after gulp tasks pipe notifier , in callback use node-notifier show popup.

var notify = require('gulp-notify'); var nodenotifier = require('node-notifier');  gulp().src(options.src) .pipe(gulp.dest(options.dest)) .pipe(notify(function () {     nodenotifier.notify({         'title': 'app',         'message': 'build'     }); })); 


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