android - Errors on MvxBind and MvxItemTemplate with a custom control that inherits from MvxListView -

i bind error during loading of view, app keeps running no visuals in listview.

i following error on mvxbind: (and same on mvxitemtemplate)

mvxbind: 9.11 problem seen during binding execution binding itemssource isolationcertificate.isolationpoints - problem targetinvocationexception: exception has been thrown target of invocation.

this happens on custom control manualy want add headerview , control later on. therefore needed following construction;

    public class mvxpaddedlistview : mvxlistview {      public view padder;      public mvxpaddedlistview(context context, iattributeset attrs)          : base(context, attrs, null)     {         setflexibleheader(context);          var itemtemplateid = mvxattributehelpers.readlistitemtemplateid(context, attrs);         adapter = new mvxadapter(context) { itemtemplateid = itemtemplateid };     }      protected mvxpaddedlistview(intptr javareference, jnihandleownership transfer) : base(javareference, transfer)     {      }      private void setflexibleheader(context context)     {         try         {             padder = new view(context);             addheaderview(padder);         }         catch (exception ex)         {              throw;         }      }  } 

is there common reason why mvxbind , mvxitemtemplate won't work anymore when inheriting mvxlistview?

edit: maybe point out use null in mvxlistview constructor prevent adapter creation

found working solution on:

mvvmcross discussing simular issue on:


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