Java Loops - Break? Continue? -

i've read through bunch of threads on using break , continue , suspect problem isn't use of those, layout of loops. in following code, trying iterate through chars in string input user find - symbols. if found, throw error user negative number found , exit. otherwise, if not find - symbol, should print out of chars in string.

i used break @ end of first loop find - symbol, not continuing on next loop. tried continue didn't work. loops new me may have wrong, know first loop working ok , throw error when finds - in string.

strnum1 = joptionpane.showinputdialog ("enter number string"); (int = 0; < strnum1.length(); i++) {   char c = strnum1.charat(i);   if (c == '-') {     system.out.println("negative digit found - exiting");     break;   } }  (int = 0; < strnum1.length(); i++) {   char c = strnum1.charat(i);   if (c <= 9) {     system.out.println(c);   } } 

the break statement breaks first loop. in order skip running second loop in event of finding - character, can use boolean variable indicate whether second loop should run :

strnum1 = joptionpane.showinputdialog ("enter number string"); boolean isvalid = true; (int i=0; i<strnum1.length(); i++) {         char c = strnum1.charat(i);         if (c == '-'){             system.out.println("negative digit found - exiting");             isvalid = false;             break;         } } if (isvalid) {     (int i=0; i<strnum1.length(); i++) {         char c = strnum1.charat(i);         if (c <= '9'){             system.out.println(c);         }     } } 


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