xslt - What does it means vpf in a XML to create a scenario for SAP B1if? -

i creating scenario in b1if, , have doubts referred vpf word. example, code below using command <xsl:copy-of select="vpf:msg/@*"/> copy data, word vpf makes reference?

also, use <payload role="r" , use vpf:payload[@role='s']/, why "r" , other times "s"?

<xsl:template match="/bfa:unbranch">         <msg xmlns="urn:com.sap.b1i.vplatform:entity">                 <xsl:copy-of select="vpf:msg/@*"/>                 <xsl:copy-of select="vpf:msg/vpf:header"/>                 <body>                         <xsl:copy-of select="vpf:msg/vpf:body/*"/>                         <payload role="r" id="{$atom}">                                 <xsl:call-template name="transform"/>                         </payload>                 </body>         </msg> </xsl:template>    <xsl:copy-of select="/vpf:msg/vpf:body/vpf:payload[@role='s']/cfdi:comprobante/@*" /> 

vpf xml namespace used in mapping

when use payload r, refer receiver, section contains receiver message.

and payload s, sender, section contains, message you're sending integration

<vpf:msg messageid="100518083505971270420a140fbbb876" …>   <vpf:header>     <vpf:ipo id="..."/>     <vpf:sender id="0010000101" objid="infile"/>     <vpf:receiver id="0010000102"/>     <vpf:vbiu id="sap.tutor-filetodb" sid="sap.b1ifw-test" filter=""/>     <vpf:identification ident="file name" idpar=""/>     <vpf:nslist/>     <vpf:variables> ... </vpf:variables>     <vpf:varproperties> ... </vpf:varproperties>   </vpf:header>   <vpf:body>     <vpf:payload role="t" type="xxx">       trigger message     </vpf:payload>     <vpf:payload role="s">       sender message     </vpf:payload>             <vpf:payload id="atom1">       result step id=atom1     </vpf:payload>       …     <vpf:payload id="atomn">       result step id=atomn     </vpf:payload>             <vpf:payload role="r">       receiver message     </vpf:payload>   </vpf:body> </vpf:msg> 


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