javascript - Having trouble using ngChange to update model -

i started learning basics of angular. i'm attempting making annual salary converter, fun. i'm having difficulty monthly ng-model updating when yearly model changed user. fields input tags. here code

    <!doctype html> <html ng-app="salaryapp">     <head>         <link href="" rel="stylesheet">     </head>     <body>         <div class="container" ng-controller="converter">             <h1>salary converter</h1>             <div class="form-group">                 <label>annual salary</label>                 <input type="number" class="form-control" placeholder="0" ng-model="yearly" ng-change="recalculate()" >                 <br>                 <label>monthly salary</label>                 <input type="number" class="form-control" placeholder="0" ng-model="monthly" disabled>             </div>          </div>         <!--<div ng-controller="converter">             write text in textbox:             <input type="text">              <h1>hello {{ yearly }}</h1>             <h1>hello {{ monthly }}</h1>         </div>-->         <script src=""></script>         <script src=""></script>         <script src=""></script>         <!--<script src="salaryconverter.js"></script>-->         <script type="text/javascript">             var app = angular.module('salaryapp', []);    app.controller('converter', function($scope) {   $scope.yearly = 80000;   console.log("log1");   $scope.monthly = $scope.yearly / 12;   console.log("log2");      function recalculate() {         console.log("function run");         return $scope.yearly /12.00;    }  }); </script>      </body> </html> 

here plnkr

youe need use scope property. here :

function recalculate() {         console.log("function run");         return $scope.yearly /12.00;    } 


  $scope.recalculate = function () {         console.log("function run");         $scope.monthly=$scope.yearly /12.00;//don't return, neet assign    } 


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