jquery - "[object Object]" showing in input field with bootstrap3-typeahead and tagsinput -
when tag selected, tag added correctly text [object object] appended in input box. (see below image)
i using bootstrap 3, jquery, bootstrap3-typeahead, , bootstrap-tagsinput (all recent versions)
the form in modal window.
here code:
jquery('#banner_geo_locations').tagsinput({ itemvalue: 'value', itemtext: 'text', typeahead: { displaykey: 'text', source: function (query) { return jquery.get("http://dev.marijuanaweeklycoupons.com/?action=ajax|citystatessearchtags&pagespeed=off&q=" + query); } } });
ajax looks like:
[{"value":"2908762","text":"dixon corner, al"}, {"value":"2956030","text":"dixon corner, me"}, {"value":"3008251","text":"dixon corner, pa"}, {"value":"2931983","text":"dixon crossroads, ga"}, {"value":"3017149","text":"dixon crossroads, sc"}, {"value":"2959449","text":"dixon estates, md"}, {"value":"2959450","text":"dixon hill, md"}, {"value":"2993971","text":"dixon landing, nc"}, {"value":"2908763","text":"dixon shop, al"}, {"value":"2938722","text":"dixon springs, il"}]
see in fiddle
it library issue.
adding below solves issue:
afterselect: function(val) { this.$element.val(""); },
as such,
jquery('#banner_geo_locations').tagsinput({ itemvalue: 'value', itemtext: 'text', typeahead: { displaykey: 'text', afterselect: function(val) { this.$element.val(""); }, source: function (query) { return jquery.get(current_web_root + "?action=ajax|citystatesearchtags&pagespeed=off&q=" + query); } } });
see jsfiddle
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