android - Get Image from gallery cause no activity found error in activity resulte -

i try open gallery , let user choose image gallery it's work on android not in tablet (4.2.2) it's work fine friend (4.1.2) it's cause activitynotfound exeption.

the code open gallery:

intent = new intent(                             intent.action_pick,                   ;                     try                     {                         startactivityforresult(i, result_load_image);                     }                     catch (activitynotfoundexception e)                      {                         e.printstacktrace();                     } 

and activityresult code:

@override      public void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode, intent data) {         super.onactivityresult(requestcode, resultcode, data);          if (requestcode == result_load_image && resultcode == result_ok && null != data) {             uri selectedimage = data.getdata();             string[] filepathcolumn = { };              cursor cursor = getcontentresolver().query(selectedimage,                     filepathcolumn, null, null, null);             cursor.movetofirst();              int columnindex = cursor.getcolumnindex(filepathcolumn[0]);             picturepath = cursor.getstring(columnindex); } 


intent intent = new intent(); intent.settype("image/*"); intent.setaction(intent.action_get_content); startactivityforresult(intent.createchooser(intent, "select picture"), result_load_image); 


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