linux - Shell Script to backup /etc/passwd every 6pm -

how can create cronjob create backup /etc/passwd every 6pm.

this should output:


i new in shell scripting, trying figure out. read cron , crontab, but, can't figure how create backup using shell script.. can me.. examples appreciated. in advance.

use crontab option -e directly edit cronjob:

crontab -e 

the specification of cronjob is:

minute hour day month day-of-week command-line-to-execute 

the following sets job run everyday @ 6:00 pm

0 18 * * * tar -czf passwd_`date | tr ' ' '_' | tr ':' '_'`.tar.gz /etc/passwd 

the command can script, in case simple tar command. name of file formed calling date command, converting spaces , colons underscores. creates filenames following:



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