javascript - Select box creation in jquery mobile? -

i have created 1 dynamic select box using jquery mobile android created good, when going next list view page , same select box page.the select box disappear.the page displaying blank. reference have attached select box creation code here.anything missed in this. please tell me answer. in advance.

function candidate(id) {    window.localstorage.setitem("ojtid",id);     $('#cadidateid').find('option').remove(); var content='';      db.transaction(function (tx) {     tx.executesql('select * xxx xxid="'+id+'" , status="1"', [], function (tx, result)     {          if(result.rows.length > 0)         {             alert("this attended");                       }         else         {                         tx.executesql('select distinct emp_id,emp_name yyy yyid="'+id+'" group emp_id order emp_name asc', [], function (tx, results)             {                                                 content=content+"<option value='0'>-- select --</option>";                 (var = 0; < results.rows.length; i++)                  {                     content=content+'<option value="'+results.rows.item(i).emp_id+'">'+results.rows.item(i).emp_name+'</option>';                 }                                                     console.log("content:"+content);                                      $("#cadidateid").append(content).trigger('create');                 $('#cadidateid').selectmenu().selectmenu('refresh', true);              });              }         $.mobile.changepage($("#ojtcandidate"));     }); });  }  html code:  <div data-role="page" id="ojtcandidate" data-theme="b">          <div data-role="header" data-theme="b">         <h1>ojt candidate</h1>         </div>           <div data-role="main" class="ui-content">              <label for="day">select candidate</label>             <form>                 <fieldset class="ui-field-contain">                                           <select name="cadidateid" id="cadidateid" data-native-menu="false">                      </select>                   </fieldset>              </form>              <input type="button" value="submit" onclick="session();">         </div>      </div> 


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