ruby on rails 4 - Dispaly JSON response from the server to handle bar templates in Ember CLI -

my json api server

i getting api response server. how display json in template.

{   past_bills: [     {       id:1,       status: "success",       count: 3,       subscribers: [         {           subscriberid: 100168,           count: 3,           invoices: [             {               invoiceyear: "2014",               invoicemonth: "1",               link: ""             },             {               invoiceyear: "2014",               invoicemonth: "2",               link: ""             },             {               invoiceyear: "2014",               invoicemonth: "3",               link: ""             }           ]         }       ]     }   ] } 

my routes

export default ember.route.extend({   model: function(params) {'past-bill',params);   } }); 

my template

<table> {{#each item in model}}     <tr><td>hiii</td></tr>     {{/each}} </table> 

my model file

import ds 'ember-data';  export default ds.model.extend({     status: ds.attr(),     count: ds.attr(),     subscribers: ds.attr() }); 

i want display response json template. tried not getting result in template.

{{#each item in  model}}         {{#each sub in item.subscribers}}             {{#each invoice in sub.invoices}}                 <tr role="row">                 <td>{{invoice.invoicemonth}}</td>                 <td>{{invoice.invoiceyear}}</td>                 <td><a {{bind-attr href=''}} target="_blank">view bill</a> {{!}}</td>                 </tr>                 {{/each}}         {{/each}}     {{/each}} 


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