ant - OutOfMemoryError:Java Heap space in liquibase when running a large SQL file -

i using ant task updating database. ant task is

<target name="updatedb">     <updatedatabase                     changelogfile="${prj.db.changelog.file}"                     driver="${prj.db.driver}"                     url="${prj.db.url}"                     username="${prj.db.username}"                     password="${prj.db.password}"                     classpathref="db.liquibase.classpath"> </updatedatabase> </target> 

i have changeset runs sql file as

<changeset author="test" id="20150603">   <sqlfile path="data.sql"              stripcomments="true" relativetochangelogfile="true"/> </changeset> 

when run ant task, receiving java.lang.outofmemoryerror: java heap space that's because sql file has large size. want give heap space through ant task. changes required made? please suggest. dont want use set java_opts="-xms512m -xmx1024m" since set heap space ant tasks have. there parameter or property liquibase through can increase heap space.


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